Chili Mac ‘N’ Cheese
Sorry in advance for such a short post. I am trying to keep up with providing you all with tasty recipes while also trying to live life to the fullest for my 8 months in Hawaii. I know you are all awesome, so I am sure you understand. I am writing this post at 12:15 AM before heading to bed so that I can wake up at 5:30 to head to the North Shore to watch the sunrise and surfing before I go into work again tomorrow afternoon. =)
Spaghetti Squash & Meatballs
Happy Monday everybody! If you read my last post, you heard my side comment about my dream of opening a food truck. Many of you were intrigued by this, so I figured I would share a little bit about that with you all. I just love the idea of food trucks, being able to go where ever you want, the beach, a ski resort, main street, etc. I also love the fact that once you have made enough money you can pack up and go. Gives you time to do other things that you love. I would want to have a sandwich food truck; I love sandwiches. I think there are just so many possibilities and ways to be creative. My sandwiches would be super unique and out there, with the option to build your own as well. So there is a little bit about my dream of owning a food truck, haha. And yes, the squash are back. You didn’t think that winter was over yet did you?

Featured Foodie Friday: A Little Lunch
Happy Friday! For once, I feel like this Friday is a weekend day; it feels great. I have two days off work and finally have a minute to take a breath and relax. I went to lunch with my roommate yesterday at a new restaurant called Jawaiian Irie Jerk Restaurant. It used to be a food truck, and was so popular that they turned it into a restaurant. Pretty cool story; definitely has added a little to my dream of owning a food truck! On another note, this friday we have a great guest blogger from the mainland; please welcome Kimby from A Little Lunch!
Sponge Cake with Lemon Sauce
Creamy Shrimp Baked Onions
Wow, I feel like I have been going, going, going the past week or two. I have hardly had anytime to focus on my blog and get posts written; sorry if I haven’t been giving all of you the attention you deserve! I am working like a madman, but it is paying off! I have been training on grill and am LOVING it! Definitely need some practice but it is so exciting moving up in the kitchen finally.
Cactus Fries & Salad w/ Ancho Chile Dip
Hawaiian SPAM Recipes: Pineapple & SPAM Casserole
I am sure many of you are about to run away already, just from reading the title of this post. The rest are probably thinking, “We ask for Hawaiian recipes and THIS is what you give us?!” When I made this, I got a kick out of my mom’s comment, “I raised you better than that.” Haha! All I can say is hear me out. My roommate recently was given an assignment to try an ethnic recipe that was out of her comfort zone. Since we are both from Colorado, we were both a little freaked out by SPAM. Honestly, I didn’t even really know what it was until we looked for recipes. Many of you may not consider SPAM an ethnic food, but in Hawaii it kind of is! Every year over 20,000 people make their way to Waikiki for the yearly SPAM Jam festival- that is some love for SPAM.
Papas Rellenas Al Horno {Chilean Oven Stuffed Potatoes}
After taking a break for January to get the New Year in order, Secret Recipe Club is back in action! If you do not already know, Secret Recipe Club is a fun group of bloggers who are assigned a fellow blogger each month (secretly) and chose one recipe from their blogger’s site to recreate for reveal day. I have met many awesome bloggers through this club and love browsing and trying their recipes!
Aaron Sanchez’s Mexican Spiced Brownies with Cayenne Pepper
Back to work after my two days off and guess who I get to meet when I go in?! Yep, Chef Morimoto! I am pretty nervous, I have heard he is really intense. Hopefully I won’t mess anything up too bad! It is crazy meeting someone you have seen on TV so many times, exciting. In the spirit of Food Network stars, our guest blogger, Kita, has a spicy Valentine’s Day treat for you all from Aaron Sanchez. Kita is the mind behind Pass the Sushi, which has been one of my favorite blogs since I first got into the food blogger community. She has great photography and recipes, plus has been a helpful foodie friend and I am so excited for her to be guest posting today!
Aaron Sanchez’s Mexican Brownies
Butternut Squash Pudding
It really is a good thing that Valentine’s day is right around the corner. No not because I have some amazing Valentine date. I will actually be serving everybody their Valentine’s day dinners at Morimoto. The reason it is a good thing, is it gives me validation for eating so many sweets and blogging about them! =) I promise I have a whole bunch of savory dishes up my sleeve for the near future, but for now feed your inner fat kid with me.
Maple & Squash Oatmeal
If any of you have worked night shifts for your job, you understand how my schedule works. I have the morning/early afternoon to cook or do whatever else I want. I have been waiting for my surfboard to be fixed, so lately I haven’t been going to the beach before work. Instead, I have been eating lots of breakfast food. It is kind of nice because I only have to buy food for breakfast, but then get free “family meal” at work and lunch/dinner and snack throughout the night. It has definitely been saving me money.
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